Body Language

Non Verbal Communication.

Judith Aere
1 min readJul 2, 2020

Actions speak louder than words. When you observe another person’s behaviour you will notice feelings, intentions, and actions, and all together will clarify their unspoken words. When you master this quality, you will enjoy greater success on life than the ones who lack this very important skill.

Nothing beats non verbal communication being observed closely and personaly because it is powerful and have a meaning. And you can develop this skill to better yourself.

When a person is being uncomfortable is not being entirely truthful.

Mindfulness is required to be aware of that, as it is necessary to be sensible of your environment, observe the context in which takes place, distinguishing between what is confortable and what is not, all this will help you to focus on the most important behaviours for decoding body language.

Everyone has a baseline behaviour that will make you notice any change that occur. When you already identify the “normality” then what is not normal will just pop up, like when you get sick. You know how you feel when you are healthy, then sickness just flashes a red alert and you can see it.

Just remember, when observing others, just be subtle about it. Do not stare.



Judith Aere

Sustainable Fingerprint. Project Manager and Marketing Specialist. Business Management and Supervision of Agricultural Enterprises - Organic Production